Rare to find a desktop computer, on which there is no office suite – all necessary technical documentation to work with word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, etc. Space network palpated in several browsers, with the intention to relax, there are many games, but as tools of communication is not forbidden to use the browser as well as highly specialized programs such as ICQ (or, as they say, "ICQ), mail.ru agent, Miranda, QIP and other common instant messengers. Let us first draw up a complete view of all applications that work with the protocol of ICQ. All of them are inherent in the two windows – for conversation and form contacts. It just enough to talk, send text by the ongoing tirades. From the time you press "submit" to receive part of the monologue, the interlocutor is, in most cases, a few moments here and less than a second source can already see the exiled text. It is for this fast ICQ is widely used around the world and installed on almost every laptop computer with access to the World Wide Web.

ICQ client prinyatno call the application through which desktop computers are connected to servers on AOL, the owner of the protocol. Russian-speaking users have received great popularity following the program as Rambler ICQ, Mail.ru Agent, qip, Rambler ICQqip, Rambler ICQ, qip,. These programs need to connect people both across the Earth, (take, through ICQ man from a small town in the Bryansk region can chat with a friend from Austria), and within local networks of large cities, businesses, firms. Such a conversation by sending the text is very comfortable over long distances each day found more and more users, so as to become an actual participant in dialogue, rather, in most cases, only free Download ICQ to laptop. ICQ licensing in the Russian Federation is a company Rambler, producing lovely client ICQ Ramblers, a bit reminiscent of Windows Vista, which is shown every second advertisement. Other programs make command "alternative clients." That is why the term ICQ, or any other reference to the ICQ in the name of clients, we can hardly find, because it threatens the authors of similar customers judicial hearing of AOL.

Each such client but the dialogue in ICQ, for the most part, supports a lot of other protocols. In QIP e, Miranda – is Jabber, allowing users to talk to this program not only means an ordinary ICQ. In Mail.Ru – this is an additional service, allowing communication only between the holders of mailboxes on the same resource. And this is just a small add-on, while a significant proportion of users communicate via a protocol ICQ. We can say that almost all similar customers can talk not only in ICQ, but even using different protocols. In Miranda, QIP is Jabber, a Mail.ru – proper protocol, which is able to communicate through those who have a post on the same Web server. However, most users still prefer ICQ. The advantages of ICQ so much that the mere enumeration would take too much space and time in this article, because this program allows people to get acquainted with new druzyasm keep in touch with the old, how far they go, ask for help from friends of friends, and much more. So, I suggest you definitely download ICQ.

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