Foreign Languages

Distance learning – is learning at a distance, that is, the student is separated from the training distance. Glenn Dubin, New York City understood the implications. In the practice of teaching foreign languages, it is not used as widely as in other areas. There are correspondence courses foreign language teaching, there were also educational television and radio programs for those wishing to learn a foreign language. Language as the faculties and universities were limited evening classes, as taught practical Languages in occasional meetings with the teacher – it is almost hopeless. Therefore, for a long time, were searching for ways to improve learning at a distance. In addition to print funds for these purposes is widely used features TV, video, and in recent years-CD-ROM. The fact is that without systematic feedback from a qualified teacher of such courses, usually doomed to failure, despite various attempts to give them the elements of entertaining and communicative.

In recent years, universities in different countries drew attention to the fact that there is a possibility use of computer telecommunications technology for distance learning – distance learning foreign languages. Unlike other forms of distance learning, computer-based training telecommunications make it possible to: – rapid transmission of any information on distance – keeping this information in memory for the desired time, its editing, etc. – Interactivity via a specially created for the purpose of multimedia information and immediate feedback with the instructor and other participants of the training course – access to various information sources, including remote and distributed databases, numerous conferences around the world via the Internet.

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