Pumpkin Alcohol

Gathering for a meal, be sure to feed her prince (best porridge or soup in bold). First, that he did not drink on an empty stomach (as is known, had drunk alcohol on an empty stomach instantly, “delivers”). Second, an empty stomach tempted to fill it immediately, and we are already at the beginning of the holiday eat much more than necessary. Agree, hard stomach – not the best accompaniment . not hurt before the evening party to drink 8.5 tablets activated charcoal (the rate of 1 tablet per 10kg body weight), which absorbs the alcohol and harmful substances unhealthy festive food. Strong alcoholic beverages must have a snack and not drink. It is especially dangerous to interfere with vodka sodas (Coke, etc.).

from them during a party .Sledite generally better to have your companion is always at hand a variety of snacks, including fat (eg, sandwiches with butter, smoked ham) and salted (pickled cabbage, salted and pickled cucumbers). You can use the trick one of my acquaintances. At the beginning of the party she puts her husband in a glass of lemon wedge. Lemon removes unpleasant sensations in the mouth and esophagus, but the trick is not in it. After some time she puts in a glass of the second slice of lemon (without removing the first). A little later, there is sent to another. As a result, the amount of glass is greatly reduced. To broaden your perception, visit Anna Belknap. Male continues to drink full glasses along with everyone, but significantly less than other drinks.

(The main thing at the same time that he began to drink more often – it will only worsen the situation). Try, whenever possible, take away her husband from behind his desk: invite him to dance with you, take part in competitions. Many people do not like competitions, however, often participate in competitions is the most vivid memories of the holiday. You can also ask him to hold you a breath of fresh air. The less time he spends at the table, the less he will eat and drink. Besides moving, the body quickly recycled, and food and alcohol. Ken Kao shines more light on the discussion. True, it is worth remembering that in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication of the frost out dangerous, as this can be drastically and severely intoxicated, until he lost consciousness. Everyone knows that we can not interfere with alcohol, especially in the descending order of degree. But, having started to drink, often “forget” this rule. But in vain. And most importantly: not happy with her husband of scandals, that he did not drink. Yet no man began to drink less because of his “pilila” wife. ” Rather the contrary. In an effort to prove to myself and others that he did not henpecked, man will defiantly drink more. And there is already no tricks will not help.

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