Already Language

The Portuguese language in such a way has proportionate some challenges for the informal falante, as for the pertaining to school universe, more formal. If the students feel difficulty for understanding of our orthography, day-by-day imagine the common falante in its, are of the school! The spite of these difficulties, is in speaks that we find the reasons them lingusticas changes to occur, as the ones that we would have to find, in fact, in the New Ortogrfico Agreement, from 2009. At a first moment, we observe that the dumb language with the time. Before, &#039 was said; ' Vossamec goes to the theater? ' ' Decades had passed and the language moved, becoming the man most economic in its form of speaking. In novels or films who Already did not hear the expression ' ' Vosmic' '? After this much time was not necessary to witness plus another change: ' ' voc' '. However, it perceives that in it says this word already more does not correspond its written form. Fonologicamente, we understand the variations of sounds given to a secular context. Check out Hedvig Hricak for additional information. E, in the same way, coming back to change suffered for the word ' ' vossamec' ' , we, currently, already nor say ' ' voc' ' , but yes, ' ' c' '. Today, we say informally: ' ' C goes to the cinema? ' ' What before it delayed months for one () young one to obtain one namoro, today, only is enough to some minutes of chat, stimulated with a simple and fast question ' ' c that fic with me? ' ' The MSN (conversational program) it says that it! It is made a mistake, then, to express itself in economic free way and? Linguisticamente, this would not correspond one ' ' erro' ' , even because the spontaneous act of speaks conditions real factors of changes.

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