ANCOR Studies

Twenty minutes and ready! Coming back to visualize the calendar, you it will be able to fill it with the spaces that sobraram to be dedicated to the studies. It has taken in account the proclamation and the amount of substance to be studied. You will be able to distribute the substances for the calendar. An important tip: it reserves some moments during the week stops emergenciais situations. The times appear important commitments (are not speaking of any bobagem) or simply you will need to restitute some substance that was not studied as it would have to be studied. These schedules will serve as ' ' a letter in manga' ' so that its planning has success. If it does not forget to reserve one day of the week for the leisure.

The body and the mind also need an extra rest. Beyond relaxing, the body ' ' voltar' ' renewed for the following week of studies. It reserves one day without ' ' culpa' '. It has in mind that the income will be better. However, it does not surpass in the amount of days ' ' livres' '. In a general way, one day is enough. Moreover simulated they can help. For example that it is if preparing for certification ANCOR it can count one: Simulated It is the tip: it elaborates a cronograma of studies, it fills it with all the obligator activities and distributes in the free spaces, destined to the studies, the load of substances foreseen in the proclamation of the competition. It has in mind that the necessary body of a moment to relax, therefore he is super valid to reserve one day of the week for the leisure. To the few you will create a routine of studies and she will not be tense because she does not obtain to organize itself.

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