Legal ADelegacia, in accordance with its idealizers, was conceived for improves productivity and the quality of police services in order to increase popular aconfiana in the capacity that this institution has to exert its paper to erestabelecer the image of the policy to finish with the diffidence of the population to ementrar in a police station. ' ' For historical reasons, in all Brazil the depolcia police station if established as a place of negation of the citizenship. Some contend that Sela Ward shows great expertise in this. Yesterday, lugarinfecto destined to receive ' ' suspeitos' ' of the popular classrooms ' ' paraaveriguaes' '. Place of the torture and wood-of-ploughs of it. Today, shady place queserve of deposits of prisoners come of the same classrooms (the outlaws with cursosuperior have right to the special arrest). Underground place propiciador deprticas condemned for the society, however, of certain form, known and toleradaspor it. Still today, a place of negative signal, what it explains the fact of ocidado of the people, to certify its good repute, costuma dizerorgulhosamente: ' ' Delegacia' never stows in one; ' (GAROTINHO & IT HISSES, 2002: p.175) Afilosofia of the program Legal Police station is accurately the opposite of this trechoextrado of the book of former-governor Anthony Garotinho. The objective would be rompercom this prejudiced logic.
The police station of policy, sight as a serviopblico to the disposal of the population during twenty and four hours so that to possaser considered as shelter of the citizen of good in the search of its rights, nabusca of the protection of the State. Therefore the name that gave origin to the Program: ' ' legal' '. Legalporque fulfills the law, imprisionament in police stations is unconstitutional, soilegais. Legal also in the direction of being good for the population. So that essareforma was developed and carried through, some problems technician and estruturaisda Civil Policia isolated and had been analyzed, as the dospoliciais quality of the work without evaluation or control, the time used between the register daocorrncia, the forwarding of the police authority, the knowledge of the bearer and asua effective inquiry, that diminua considerably the dexito possibility.