Buenos Aires

All the reports of the experts point out that the new economy will require few technical specialists; the technology enables a few specialists to develop the systems required for the operation of the company. On the other hand, of business mergers reduce offers of senior executives. In other words, increasingly will require better professional, but in smaller amount. In the long run, the economic system may not absorb a mass of well-trained citizens. School quality is required, but for a few.

The rest of the educational system it is best to not work. Conflicts arising from a generalized educational system and high-quality could not be supported by the economic system, where many well prepared individuals should compete for too few jobs. Better to leave it all in the hands of the bleaker system of natural selection and that a mediocre educational system emerge by themselves a few excellent specimens you will need the system. The universal quality education is not a political objective. Filed under: Team Penske. These arguments are not political fiction, rather they arise from the above-mentioned documents and correspond to the economico-politicas elites of the Globalization. The logic of these objectives is overwhelming. One of the consequences of a school of ignorance is the systematic production of immature consumers, other gear necessary to make the wheel of globalization continue to advance.

(JEAN-CLAUDE MICHeA: School of Ed. watercolor books ignorance. 2002 Pags.38-45) Given the arguments; a reflective and critical reflection would be vital to decide if the objective of the Bologna process is to train technicians to insert them into the productive system or train people with broad mentality, critical spirit, desire to know and ability to adapt to changing situations. Decide if that transformation will maintain, in the personal and institutional, University autonomy. According to the Lisbon Declaration: universities need a great capacity of adaptation and flexibility to respond to a society in constant evolution. To do this, you need a greater degree of autonomy and adequate funding … Urges Governments to strengthen the principle of institutional autonomy so that universities can fully develop their various missions … (curricula, programmes and research). It is surprising how some political authorities are determined to violate and ignore the principle of autonomy and they are continually involved in the process of adaptation to the European space for higher education with plans, networks and various initiatives imply restrictions to autonomy, excessive bureaucratization and a cut in the time they need to teach and investigate. Do not leave be less worrying that passed on March 13, the University Miguel Hernandez of Elche, and representatives of Latin American universities gathered to participate Interuniversity project called the development of synergies between the European higher education area and space Latin American and Caribbean of higher education funded by the Spanish Agency of international cooperation for development. The University participated by Mexico Autonomous of the State of Hidalgo and by Argentina representatives of the Catholic University of Cordoba, of the Universidad national of the center of the province of Buenos Aires, and Universidad Nacional of whose. The economic winds are blowing in random directions, one wonders: does that awaits you at Latin American universities? ANNA BERMEO TURCHI16 – 05 09CPP3504 circle international journalists of century XXI La education Superior of the Millennium – environment and journalism school of ignorance + anarchy in the quomodo school: School of the original author and source of the article.

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