Civic Laboring Center

This proposal if does not present as last and definitive, to procuracontribuir with all the quarrel that if unchains today in the environment academic. The concepts argued here look for to assist in the agreement of daily the dosoperrios, something expressed in acts. The trajectory of the workers can represent percursode a classroom. But it is only from the experiences lived in common that osoperrios if they configure in this collective one. For Karl Marx and Friederich Engels: ' ' osindivduos separately form a classroom only in the measure where classe&#039 takes cabouma common battle against another one; ' (MARX & ENGELS, 2002, P.

45). What it has if looked for to recognize, is that daily the dostrabalhadores not if allotment only in conflict relations. This is not anica history. The ressignificao of this fight of classrooms if stipulates in questode that the inexistence of this common and direct battle enters the classrooms nosignifica the inexistence of the social classrooms. The laboring one starts to be plus a personage of the daily one. Paraalm of the plant and stops beyond the strike, this also assumes in the roupagem of mese family parents, freqentadores of bingo of the Parish, figures or academicista is that tarefade to consider the daily one of the worker if claims in a formation deconscincia not as was, but yes, as it must have been.

The workers also elaborate a culture when they seapresentam in time-free its (teams-off). In these daily distinct reconhecemosatividades, either beyond the work and of the organizaotrabalhista-syndical one as well as in its leisure. To enhance this quarrel interests here> to perceive it comoesse time-free is managed by the members of the Civic Laboring Center eBeneficente and as this if it represents in a speech that constructs the dooperrio image. In this in case that, this image placed in the interior of acts serves to parareconhecermos a concept of classroom in itself, that is, constituted of the prpriosmembros in the dependences of its laboring organization – to the moment where it elesse auto-they proclaim ' ' proletrios' ' or ' ' classroom obreira' ' in atasda association (COCB, Act 11).

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