Elevator cars, scissor lift, tire changer, detacher balancers and wheel are products star of Prestige Lift among many others that we have been distributing more than 10 years in different countries around the world. Tony Parker may also support this cause. It is for this reason Prestige Lift puts at your disposal the following informative article when buying an elevator car and workshop or wheel 1 machine. That is a car elevator? We understand as elevator cars, all that machinery responsible for facilitating the action capable of lifting or raising all kinds of vehicles for your subsequent access to the lower zones. 2 Types of lift within all types of elevators for cars, the most common are: car elevator two columns four car lifts scissor lifts, 3 columns. Basic uses applied to vehicles. Each type of vehicle lift, meets a different requirement based on manipulation that you want to use in the car.
Any type of lift is better than another, if it has not, clear activity principal that we need. This is why, the largest in terms of sales of elevators user is mainly mechanical, and these are manufactured for use in repair and automotive workshops. 4. What I want to buy an elevator for cars? Does that elevator conforms better to your activity? Primarily, we must take into account several factors when you find ads in elevators. Regardless of costs. These include three groups:-Group A: elevators for general mechanic workshops (all the pieces and parts of a vehicle. – Group B: elevators workshops of for quick inspection – and maintenance services group C:-lifts for workshops align addresses and jobs in these.) 5 Lift according to group: elevator of 2 columns Group A: elevator 2 columns elevators for cars (2 columns) or also called bridge lifter two columns these are main elevator cars that we can find in all garages expanded worldwide, for maximum performance and accessibility offered to repair or provide a service full.