
Introduction In the current society we see that the spaces to play are each time more limited specific environments, has seen, that they are being directed closed environments, such as in condominiums, schools and parks of diversions. Thus, before spaces of leisure and entertainment they costumam to have youthful and mainly adolescent a social function, between children. Being surrounding of socialization they promote the affectivity and also the cognition, for this perspective we have as a resource of Psicopedaggica intervention. We know that the values that involve the society are bordered in the relations human beings, in these they are to the cultural influences of the existing groups and its contributions to the human behavior. Not discarding that the ethical and moral values are reaffirmed in the conviviality in group.

The proposal of the Brinquedoteca as therapeutical resource if bases observing the great contribution of the toys and trick in the infantile learnings appeared the interest in searching of form deep this reality, having as among others helps the theoretical recital of some authors, as Brougre (1998), Kishimoto (1999) that they affirm that playing the children they change its behavior, showing the important paper that they play in the reality and the great qualities of which they possess. The trick is the activity most typical of the life human being, for providing joy, freedom and contentment. When the child plays, is in constant process of construction of meanings, searching to understand the world from its representations. Therefore, it is necessary to become the trick in the brinquedoteca as one practical intentional one, therefore it takes the pupil to construct its cognitivas references, its personality enriches and is a Psicopedaggico instrument that takes the therapist the condition of mediator, estimulador and appraiser of the learning process. When we speak in learning spaces we thus have for base the estimated ones that they propitiate the learning, before an environment favorable to the cognition an environment facilitador for the affectivity, in this feeling we have the intervention of psicopedagogo as instrument of entailing between patient and therapist.

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