Simple business in the United States is of course a such great success not everyone who starts a business in the United States, Max Karagoz have”, commented on the story, but one can live even with smaller companies in the United States and survive.” Sometimes you should link also a radical fresh start as an entrepreneur with a change in another country, he says. Larry Culp wanted to know more. Max Karagoz is changed even after successful activity in Germany in the United States, where he now leads his company ALTON LLC ( In a question-answer forum Jorge Perez was the first to reply. It is simply”a shift in perspective, he says, man wins a variety of new impressions, newly focused and has a good breeding ground for a successful start in business in the United States”. Anyone who has given up his company in Germany, can establish new an American limited liability company or a U.S. Corporation for a very small amount. The Foundation is possible as an individual and can be performed on request anonymously. Many examples of success stories Max Karagoz accompanied such foundations with his company ALTON LLC: he takes over all incorporation formalities and new United States citizens from Germany also helps you get started with your own company: on request he helps its customers, for example, to find suitable office space in Florida.
He organized the search for matching employees for the client company and helps as well like how professionally and affordably, with its experience and its excellent network of contacts benefit him to lawyers, accountants, government authorities, entrepreneurs in the United States and many major companies start specialists. There are many examples of Germans who came to Florida and have established a successful company here,”he says. Who failed in Germany as a contractor, should be so not too long to hang his head, before he ventures a new start. And why should this start then not in the United States take place? Yes, why not?