
Speleotourism – just a specific kind of sport. It is connected first of all, with tourist resources in the region. Orel region, it would seem, in this respect has no chance to develop sport caving. Here there is no natural underground facilities that meet the requirements of classified speleomarshrutov. There are no karst areas and sites of volcanic activity. However, of great interest man-made underground workings, which can be used successfully in sports and fitness tourism. In modern conditions, in the wake of a general interest in new kinds of extreme tourism, becomes relevant to the issue of affordable the majority of people – Speleotourism. This requires that Districts had their residence required speleoresursy – caves, karst formations, quarries, which would be in close proximity to cities the central part of Russia.

In Tula and Moscow regions such underground facilities there. In Moscow it's a whole network of quarries, situated on the banks of the river Pakhra. In the Tula region is Guryevsky (Byakovskie) quarry entrance to which is located on the Sturgeon River. These caves are very popular among fans of new experiences. They are constantly visited by dozens of tourists. But it is not weakened and searching for new unknown or forgotten underground facilities. Thus, according to his friends cavers, caves Tula fans learned about the quarries, located directly in Orod Eagle.

For the exploration of these objects had been organized several trips to the drawing up of plans underground workings. Were investigated by two quarries – 'Eight' and 'Water'. For some indicators are unique objects. The mere fact that they are in the city already makes them unique. They can be used successfully for guided tours and recreational activities. But the greatest value of these objects are for sports and fitness tourism. This is an event for all-round tourist speleo or underground orientation, in certain areas they can be used as sports speleoobekty and, of course, for training and integrated training tourists.

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