The Burden

A fundamental function of the mind to cope with the complexity of details and transform the extraordinary in ordinary, simple. Do you want to do a little experiment? While you’re reading or listening, sitting, take off a shoe and then still you it. Was it easy to you? Actually it is a very complex task. Get hundreds of thousands of neuronal activations needed while signals were a journey of back and forth between the brain, your hand and foot. Instead it has been you very simple because you’ve coordinated it unless you’re aware of that. As you do the talking, walking, eating, if you go by bicycle or driving a car, a skateboard and so many tasks that you do not only through your conscious. But the unconscious is critical for learning. Before you learn these tasks you were unable to perform them.

Yesterday watched a girl, of about six months, which got the spoon on the nose, Chin, before you place it in the mouth. It cost him. You will learn it gradually. I’ve cited the skateboard. I’m sure that if I take one could not walk more than two meters without the risk of falling. Any new task requires much attention and conscious effort. As we learn the burden of internal activity moves gradually from the conscious attention to unconscious conditioning. The concentration in the realacion interaction, keeping the mind conscious in a State of attention, so that the unconscious assimilate more quickly new attitudes, forms the basis of the selfocahing.

The best strategy of the selfcoaching is that you focus on the desired outcome. Not so much in the process or resources that you consider necessary to achieve this result. Focus on the desired outcome is a competition that we should encourage. It is an intensifier learning process. It is not easy. When we think of an important personal goal, almost always, we concentrate on the reasons why it will be difficult to reach it.

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