United States

That is, the number of linkings with other sites on the contrary of the time is prioritized. Between all the traditional medias, the television is today the one that shows greater to be able of transformation for the Long Tail, for the following reasons: the TV generates more content of what any another media or sector of entertainment. Only one very small fraction of this total is available for the public. First, the average of the American families it makes use today of a hundred of TV canals. Although this seems very this is 876 a thousand hours per year of transmissions of video for the majority of the domiciles still is less than 10% of the produced commercial videos for broadcast in the United States (when 400 national canals available cm are considered more than nets of high capacity, for satellite and digital, and all the programming. Thus, the available content as percentage of the content produced and lower of what cm any another sector, some of which perhaps produce more content, as the written press and the publishing industry, but, in these cases, the availability is very bigger (to see Google).

But the television treats its better content as dismissable. (ANDERSON, 2006) The trend is that shorter contents are developed with intention to entertain, without the demand for attention of the viewer is demasiadamente great. On the other hand, more extensive contents will be destined to those that they search if to go deep in determined specific subject for which it has interest. Contents of intermediate size will not be so convenient of being produced. an joined time what the using search, and how much better will be the found results, the possibilities of that this exactly using if interest for the linked content to that one looked previously are sufficiently great, and, therefore, consequentemente the Long Tail finishes gaining bigger length.

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