People who earn on the Internet (Web master) always baffled their sites indexed by search engines, because this is their bread. I think it is not necessary to describe what a 'site index', but better to write about how it accelerated. Many methods and each uses its own, but I'll write the methods that I use, and that helps me. For more information see Adam Sandler. Well, let's begin! Will be guided by PS Yandex and Google. Our action: 1. First we need to inform the search systems in the world that appeared brand-new saytets. For this purpose there addurilki.
– For Yashka home. – For Gosha, of course. 2. Add our site to the webmaster panel of our search engine, the same pre-add created a site map. – Yandex panel. – Google's toolbar. 3.
Add a link to our Twitter. With the help of search engine spider will see our site faster, but links to Twitter do not provide the weight. 4. You can get rid of saytets soc. bookmarks, although now they do not bring such benefits as before, but if there is a program for avtoregi, you can spend a few minutes of your time, it just does not hurt. If such a program you do not, then do not waste your precious time to be registered manually. 5. If funds are available, it is advisable to buy a few links with the Trust sites. You can find these sites yourself and buy them at guards, or go to Sapa, or some other Exchange and buy a couple of links. The main thing is not to overdo it, because if you buy just a lot of options, the CP can be imposed on the site filters. And this is a very unpleasant thing! Here are 5 items that help make any indexing site in Google within 1-2 days, 4-10 days for Yandex.