Without counting on diverse circuses that were installed there. One that it marked was very the O CIRCUS THEATER BROTHERS WALNUT. This remained almost per one year in the city in this space called DIGGING OF the BURACO. The elements of this circus family had become so popular and coexisted single the youngest population that had contracted marriage with children of the families of the teeny city. Some inhabitants had followed with the circus, others of the circus had remained in the city, marrying, constituting family with the children () of the land. The teatrais parts that artistic presented were pretty, repetitive, but they had a high index of frequency. The part that had its landmark was ' ' The brio' ' , an adaptation of a music MPB.
Great success of the time interpreted for the singer Vicente Celestino. The considered artist, the gala of the circus company called Wilson Walnut, bachelor, disputed for the beauty singela and artistic talent, if she wanted would be the young infinite man of the small provincial locality. This artist contracted marriage with a young of traditional family of the city. The farewell of this circus was very formal it sponsored by the Municipal City hall, leaving many tears of sadnesses and forts memory. Others as many circuses had also passed mounting its installations in this same DIGGING OF the BURACO.
Many inhabitants had passed to know species of wild animals through these circuses. Great parades of horses and oxen of rare or common races were carried through in this exactly space with expositions or sales through auctions concurred between participants of all region until are of the state. surrounding he was very well prepared with corridors of boards, of stables, with ornaments of flags, bladders and others. Into these great events the people if transformed into multitude form; come buses of diverse places carrying rich proprietors and farmers. In festive dates and of great commemorations, the example of the Christmas, day of the Padroeiro Saint, was made the burnings of the great fogos there, between colored artifices, thundering salutes, mortars and rojes. They passed Circuses that way Roundups, called Bullfights, which gave work to the proprietors, because had the physical formation of the place, the people of the abrupt declivities obtained to attend the spectacles of the brave bulls and assembly horses, a time that, these circuses were discovered had to the sort and evidently of favour without the purchase of ingression, to attend of ' ' berth of barrancos' '. During the festividades for occasion of the Party of Anniversary of the City, the great event was the participation of the hpicas demonstrations of