The occupation was given for two ways: contemplation for drawing and invasion. Contemplated ones nor always were satisfied with the standard of the houses and left to take ownership of the property, what it provided occasion for a movement of invasion never seen before in history So Lus. ' ' The invaders had gained the right to remain in the houses thanks to an uprising of the governor of poca' '. (IT HISSES, 1996, p.24) that it legitimized as proprietor who was occupying the property. From 1988, the process of occupation of the one around the Laboring City is noticed. The Government of the State of the Maranho foresees an expansion of the original set that more aimed at the construction of 7500 (seven a thousand and five hundred) houses, having made some dispossessions with this intention. These areas, if had become target of disordered occupations that had received the popular denomination from ' ' invaso' '.
The last stage in the formation of the joint Laboring City is initiated in 1997 and is extended until the current days, period in which observes it fight of the inhabitants, mainly of the area of entorno, in the attempt of urbanizar the space and guaranteeing the execution of public politics basic such as, implantation of net of sewer, drinking waters, garbage collection, public illumination, 3,3 etc. Infrastructure and 3.3.1 urban services Transport the set is served by 12 companies of collective transport that congregated in trust (Trust Is Cristvo), they converge to the terminal of passengers of Are Cristvo, located in the Garden They are inaugurated Cristvo II and in 2004 middle. Except the motion-taxi service, the use of no type of alternative transport is not observed. 3.3.2 Water the system of water supply of the Laboring City is carried through through a battery of wells located in the System Is Cristvo (R14) that after to receive water from the Italus system it distributes for the high System Laboring City (R15) that in turn it distributes for the areas of entorno.