
Importance of the presence is understood it of the professor, who the pupil will sempreser the star of the school and the learning and the professor the light that takes oconhecimento of systematic form, through the view of contents, dasorientaes in the learning of reading and the literal productions as well as nasaplicaes of techniques of research; beyond stimulating the participation of it esportivas and cultural activities alunoem diversified; providing physical, intellectual and social seucrescimento. In activities as: Campeonatosesportivos, participation in groups of theater, weeks of cultural arts and, incentive to the folklore, in parties as juninas and of the padroeiro, fairs decincias and of artesanato, as well as activities related to the surrounding domeio preservation and the conservation of the water. Among others. Professor Dilermando Piva Jnior (2008), in artigopublicado in one blog in the Internet, affirms that the schools through debates estofazendo agreements, partnerships and projects, trying to rewrite the form to educate, oque I agree fully to its affirmation, therefore, in the schools already percebemosclaramente the changes in the positionings of the professors and the elaboration deseus planejamentos, what he shows to a professional matureness and a taking deconscincia of the amplitude of its paper, as well as in the same participation of the nacomunidade where they are inserted. Amongst the diverse proposals of the tecnologiana education, the one that more if has detached is the long-distance education, foreseen nLDB, Law of the Lines of direction and Bases of the education of N 9394/96, of 20 of December de1996, what long-distance education is understood that, is the distribution of the instruction, in any level, without requirement of the physical presence of the pupil and it instrutorem one same place. In this modality of education, the Internet has great usefulness, of form that the pupil receives the instructions and the orientaes from the professors, fazseus works and returns to the professors saw email.

Perrenoud (2000), Says that the technologies of the information and dacomunicao are instruments that can be creative and recriadoras of the realidadena school, for this reason are that they must be used of nosentido responsible form of if getting resulted satisfactory, helping to the professor cumprirsua social function in the school, having the maximum of not obterresultados cares for contradictory. I think that the auto evaluation of the work of professordeve to be one practical constant in its professional life, so that thus, can always improve practical its. Bibliographical references: JNIOR, Dilermando Piva. The implications of the Avanostecnolgicos in the Education. So Paulo: April.

2008. Available in:. SILVEIRA, Sergio Amadeu of. Digital exclusion: The misery naera of the Information. So Paulo: Foundation Perseu Abramo. 1998. PERRENOUD, Phillippe. Ten Abilities To teach. PortoAlegre: Artmed.2000.

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