Setting Up Blogger. Part 2

We continue to set up Blogger. All the glory of opening have been told in the first part, so I go to work. Previously been considered only one bookmark – "Basics" is now all the rest in order: 1) tab "Publications" Allows you to publish your blog on an external hosting, do not see much sense, but admit some of the options under which it may be necessary, but a beginner does not need it for sure. 2) tab "Format" The most important thing in this menu tab, "Show". It is possible to specify the number of posts, which will be located on the main page.

From the standpoint of ergonomics, it is believed that the optimum number is between 3 to 5. If they are smaller – it is bad because the page displays very little information that makes the visitor to make unnecessary movements while navigating, and the people it does not like. If a lot of them, the page is too crowded. I recommend to keep recommendation 5.3 posts per page. The second major adjustment "message template" while there's nothing there, but we definitely come in handy later. At rest, again, until we draw attention, especially since there are clear the only – place to pile the Russian language. 3) tab "Comments" Comments over important thing for any blog, so bookmark is very important. Then we upgraded the comments in your blog using a third-party service but we did not, work with those that are.

Our task as easy as possible to the reader the process of commenting, so do 'friendly' to the visitor the setting, then still change horses in midstream. Set the first box "Show, In the next paragraph, add comments to any user. Enable Control comment?" – Say "no", we have not to censor. Displaying the backlinks Turning off the graphics test (spam protection) people do not like to enter Tsiferki and many simply lazy and ultimately did not leave a comment. In the latter field, enter the e-mail, which will be sent notification of new comments on your blog. In general, this principle – to create a comfortable environment, and the reader interested in commenting. What we need to unwind! 4) The tab "Archiving" We put the "Yes" in the "Turn the page messages "to each message is then stored as separate pages, each of which subsequently will be indexed search engines. 5) tab "Site Feed" Later we will use the service FeedBurner, while the same will be enough just to put "full mode" under "Allow Blog Feeds", then everything else will do. 6) Bookmark "Email" Looking at the case if you have a blog and forged email, this feature I do not use, and generally not much point in it can not see. 7) Tab OpenID While we do not touch anything that is not necessary. 8) tab "Permissions" If your blog is a corporate or co-authors, in this tab to add the authors and establish roles. In the "Readers blog "put" Anyone. " Well, now we've skimmed briefly on the main settings of Blogger. Now you can safely get to work, until all that escaped our attention or were left for later – will definitely consider. If you have experience of setting up service Blogger – will be happy to discuss in the comments!

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