In view of the fact of that in the present time the cities tend to diminish its florestadas areas, due the great reasons as, growth of the population, development and growth of the cities, disordered occupation among others. Thinking about the direction of conservation of one of the few areas preserved in the urban area of the city of Mafra, Santa Catarina, the municipal city hall developed the project of the ambient park of the step, which analisado and argued in this article.
The main objective of the article is to study the viability of the existing project, which was developed by the city hall of the city of Mafra, presenting you criticize constructive and suggesting viable solutions for the development of the same, so that it can be implanted in the region. For the accomplishment of the article it was necessary the study of how much in such a way municipal the federal legislation, telling to all the primordial points for implantation of this unit of conservation, later having the study of project of the park, describing its current situation, measured preliminary, alteration of the organic law, and its purposes. The article also treats on the infrastructure of the park, since the cercamento of the area until the constructions necessary in its interior, delimiting the points to be recouped for the suffered degradation. It adds in accordance with this the ambient education, leisure and entertainment, based on studies the effective norms. Words keys: Unit of conservation; Municipal park, project of the ambient park of the step. 1 INTRODUCTION free Spaces as parks, squares, gardens, forests and areas of natural protection possesss great importance, therefore, provides significant improvements in the urban area, collaborating for the balance of the local climate, contributing for the prevention of floodings, landslides and neutralization of pollutions, beyond composing ‘ ‘ islands verdes’ ‘ , serving of shelter for the local fauna.