
Since the paper that exerts these institutions, according to LDB (Law of Lines of direction and Bases) defines that, infantile education is not wanting to anticipate the pertaining to school life of the child, but yes, to develop its educative aspects. Then, it can be perceived in this article that the purpose of the insertion of the child in the day-care centers and Daily pay-schools will be for developing infinite aspects partner-cognitivos, since, they will be inserted in a propiciador environment of interaction with other children. According to Wedge (2001, P. 27) the daily pay-school is being transformed into school and the children of three years of age already are seated making preparatory exercises for alfabetizao. Of this form, we can perceive that the necessity to play is being substituted for the necessity to learn to read and to write. In this perspective, the present study she has for objective to reflect the actions and strategies carried through for the school and the educator concerning playing, as well as the comment of the children while they play inside of the classroom and free recreation. Also observing the subsidies that them are offered during the tricks, verifying the planning of the physical space in which children play, as well as, to analyze the data gotten through the applied answers of the questionnaire to the educators on the right of playing.

The development of the text is organized of the following form: The first topic will enclose the Conception of child, as subject of right and because of playing to be so important for the infantile development. As the topical one will imply in a historical briefing of what it comes to be the game and the trick and the importance of each one for the child. In the third topic, we made a rescue concerning the right to play, in a sociological boarding, approaching the rights that the child has for law as well as the paper that the professor must exert ahead of playing.

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