Like Being A Successful Entrepreneur

The thought of the majority would be, to the children or the young people, and the products could be cellular, computers, fashionable clothes, but I am going to you to share which is the industry that is considered by the experts like the first trillonaria industry that is going to exist, Paul Zane Pilzer is an economist who has realised several studies on that subject and next I will share some interesting data to you. It is not chance: these companies and products are the answer to a gigantic group of people met like baby boomers that is to who in agreement with the experts you must consider like your main clients. Baby boomers is people whom at the moment they have between 45 and 65 years, were born shortly after finishing World War II and is approximately 25% of the world-wide population and conforms the population to major spending power. As you can imagine is the group of people who consumes more in the Earth and everything what it interests them to them is successful. Examples: in the 50 when they were babies, the industry of the meals prepared for the babies had his apogee; in the 60, when these you drink they grew and they had the age to play, the companies of toys broke their records of sales; for the 70, fashionable clothes; in the 80, the automotive industry; in the 90, systems and computers, and from the 2000 industry of the health and the well-being. It is not chance, tendency is a macro and all the products that are attractive for the generation of baby boomers have extraordinary volumes of sales and in agreement with the experts to them it is to the best niche to the one than you can sell your products or services. For that reason for an entrepreneur it is very important to consider this market when thinking about options of viable and interesting businesses. The industry of the well-being sells 200 billions of dollars at the moment, hopes that for this year this industry invoices trilln of dollars, $1,9 million dollars per minute, impressive truth. At least in Mexico, to mention a Latin American example, one hopes that for the 2010 they exist more than 40 million people of more than 40 years of age, and what you you imagine that it is what they are going to look for these people, the answer is simple, will look for products and services who help them to feel well, plenary sessions, young people, will practically look for any thing that improves its quality of life. Considered enterprising the question it is simple, How you would like to take advantage of this market? You want to remember to baby boomers only like an opportunity that you let pass or the springboard to initiate your race of businesses?

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