The fall of the proper height was a found important factor enters the authors as root cause of the breaking of fmur, associated osteroporose mainly, being cited for Fields et al. (2004), Fabrcio et al. (2004), Sakaki et al. (2004) and Muniz et al. (2007); Chikude et al. (2007).
Subject 2 – Breaking x Sex Fields et al. (2007) they relate that aged of the feminine sex they present more breakings of what the masculine sex, had to the fact to present supervened longer. Sakaki et al. (2004), they had cited that the incidence of breakings is bigger in the feminine sex, mainly in the aged ones institutionalized. Chikude et al.
(2007) they had studied 30 patients and of these 80% were of feminine sex and 20% of the masculine sex. Fabricio et al. (2004) in its study they had evidenced that 66% were of the feminine sex and 34% of the masculine sex being the age average were of 76 years, the main consequncia of its study had been breakings 64% and amongst them most common they had been of fmur 62%, having as consequncia 32% of hospitalization. Souza et al. (2007), they had concluded in its study that women are the main victims of breakings. Muniz et al. (2007), they relate in its retrospective study of 89 handbooks, had predominance of the feminine sex being 61.8% and 38.2% of the masculine sex. The breakings of fmur acometem more people of the feminine sex, this fact can be related with osteoporose, greater exposition with the domestic activities, supervened longer. Sakaki et al. (2004), they define that the breaking of fmur can be to intracapsular, mentions the breakings of the femural col and to extracapsular that breakings are transtrocantoriana, being decurrent of both traumas of low energy, as fall. Subject 3 – Breaking x Domestic Activity x muscular force Muniz et al.