One of the first republic in the recording studio "Can-Records", which arose in 1993 – private, that was a characteristic feature of post-perestroika era. Studio director Anatoly Kurashinov – a physicist by training, but life was inseparable from music. Margaret Loesser Robinson is full of insight into the issues. He graduated from nursery school musical accordion. Studying in Nalchik school 6, was also the President of the tourist club "LNT" which means "light at the foot of tourists." He loved to listen to and perform songs with a guitar hiking, particularly around the fire while hiking. At the beginning of school in Kabardino-Balkaria State University, Physics and Mathematics at the faculty organized a vocal-instrumental ensemble, and from the second year for seven years led the vocal-instrumental ensemble of the University "Lorendy." The group at the time repeatedly became prize-winners North high school festival of pop songs, which were held at venues in Makhachkala, Grozny, Ordzhonikidze, the festival "another record," held in Pyatigorsk.
It has been repeatedly winner and the urban and national contests. Anatoly played the bass guitar, drums, soloed as a vocalist, singing her own songs. In his repertoire to include musical compositions and other local performers. A wonderful vocalist, Zaur Tutov, which Anatoly familiar since the time of study in KBSU also performed some of his songs. But now studies at KBSU completed and passion for music from Anatolia and not passed. He has several years and continued to lead VIA "Lorendy", while working primarily power engineering KBSU. Anatoly Kurashinov was at the forefront of vocal and instrumental movements in Kabardino-Balkaria, along with obtaining recognition of the musicians as Vladimir Boreal, Nechaev, A.