Use of the Autoresponder to create potential customers Hello like these and in this post will talk about you is what you can do with an autoresponder to earn money on the internet. First of all good is an Autoresponder Autoresponder: is the means by which we are going to communicate with people through follow-up emails. Now to be able to communicate to us we must have in our blog or website one page capture in order to have a list of potential customers. Page capture: Is the means by which people give your name and email in exchange for valuable information that you’ll be giving away your way of capture. Use the autoresponder: well mainly the use of the autoresponder is to create a list of prospects and that those prospects become clients and all this was hara giving value content through emails from tracking you’re going to send out automatic to your list. With the use of the autoresponder you can do: create campaigns: with the use of the autoresponder lets you create campaigns with this same create trace messages for your list of prospects and you can create all the campaigns you want at that time and follow-up to that campaign emails for example: Campaign: as care for babies Recien-nacidos then you will create a series of postal electronic follow-up concerning your campaign as care for babies Recien-nacidos besides that if for some reason the campaign you created was not productive follow-up emails you can delete it as well. Create live releases: Using an autoresponder allows you to create releases live this is that you can create a message instantly and send them to your list of prospects, this is so: as in any mail address is similar, you create an email newsletter or release live and you can choose that campaign directed anger that email example: If you have multiple campaigns and create a statement email live, concerning: do in case a child recien-nacido East with high temperature. .