When the car (oil change, filter change) one should remember 1.Zamena oils, fluids (Mogilev, Minsk, Gomel, Vitebsk, Brest, Grodno) in the car does not depend on the brand, country of origin and the manufacturer fluids. Terms of replacing the manufacturer’s avtomobilya.2. Change engine oil (Mogilev, Minsk, Gomel, Vitebsk, Brest, Grodno) depends on the age of the car, engine size and engine Oil poured into the engine. Mineral oil (Standard Viscosity 15w40) – gasoline engine – 8-10 thousand km or 1 every 6 months. – Diesel engine – 7-8 thousand miles.
or 1 every 6 months. Synthetic oil (Standard Viscosity 10w40) – gasoline engine – 10-15 thousand km or 1 every 12 months. – Diesel engine – 7-8 thousand miles. or 1 every 12 months. Synthetic oil (Standard viscosity 0w40, 5w30, 5w40) – gasoline engine – 15-18 thousand km or 1 every 12 months. – Diesel engine – 10-15 thousand miles. model of TDI, TDS, HDI, CDI issued since 1997 and have run 100-150 thousand km – All the rest – 8-10 thousand km or 1 every 12 months.
3. Replacement of gear oil in the gearbox and mechanical gear. (Mogilev, Minsk, Gomel, Vitebsk, Brest, Grodno) Gear Oils GL-Class 4 – cars every 60 thousand miles. Gear Oil GL-5 grade (level of viscosity 80w90, 85w90, EP-90) – cars every 60 thousand miles. Oils with a level of viscosity 75w90b75w80, 75w – cars up to 80 thousand kilometers. – Minibuses – 60-70 thousand km in Depending on operating conditions, in the cars Mercedes, BMW, Opel, Ford and others use special technical liquids. The timing of their replacement – every 50-60 thousand miles. Some of them – for life. Oils Dextron III, Dextron IV-every 50-60tys.km. In some models cars since 2001. Release uses special fluid replacement period – 80 thousand km. Certain types of boxes have a removable filter element. In these boxes is a partial replacement of fluid every 15-20 thousand miles. 4. Replacement fluid (oil) power steering (Mogilev, Minsk, Gomel, Vitebsk, Brest, Grodno) is done every 50-70 thousand miles., Depending on its type. Such as Mercedes cars have a removable filter element. 5. Replace the system Cooling (Mogilev, Minsk, Gomel, Vitebsk, Brest, Grodno) is made depending on the liquid used: – Cooling Antifreeze liquids – a once in 3-4 years or over 40 thousand km. – Coolant Antifreeze G11 – 1 every 3-4 years or over 60-70 thousand kilometers. – Coolant Antifreeze red G12, G12 + – 1 every 4-5 years or 60-7 – tys.km.6. Brake fluid (Mogilev, Minsk, Gomel, Vitebsk, Brest, Grodno) (according to the certification of DOT-3, DOT-4, J1703, JS 04 925 boiling point not lower 230S). Suitable for all hydraulic brakes and clutch. Regardless of the path of a change every two years.7. The filtering elements (filters) change (Mogilev, Minsk, Gomel, Vitebsk, Brest, Grodno) – Air filter – in the summer with every oil change in the engine in the winter – after a change of engine oil. – Fuel filters for diesel cars of 20-25 thousand km in winter at low temperatures of 15-20 thousand miles. In gasoline 20-30 thousand km – Engine Oil Filter – with each change oil. – Filter steering – with each change of the liquid. – Auto Filter – with each change of the liquid, if not a filter element – a metal mesh. The above recommendations are universal for all existing car world and vary slightly depending on glda release. Term of quality, environment and mode of operation, size and condition of dvigatelya.Bolee detailed information about oil change, filter change receive a master of changing the oil.